Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Getting a new computer is awesome, but you have to set up your work environment all over again. For macs, this is what I do to set up my terminal.



I really like to modify files in sublime, so that’s the first thing I get. I download it from here

I have to set up the subl command in the terminal so that when I want to open a file or a directory, I simply run subl filename.

To do that, first go to the directory that holds the Users,bin and usr directories (just do cd .. until you hit it.

Now that you’re there, create a symlink to sublime using the following command: ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text" ~/bin/subl

Congrats, sublime is now set up. You can also open your .bash_profile and put export EDITOR='subl -w' so that sublime becomes your default editor.

Git Autocomplete

Next we need git autocomplete. The guide is perfect so just go here and follow the steps.

Git Current Branch

We also need to know what git branch we’re on (well… I need to). An awesome guide that allows you to do that already exists. Just go here and follow the steps.

After everything, I modify the PS1 to look really cool. Open your bash profile (subl ~/.bash_profile) and add the following line of code (it’s at the end of the link) at the end of the .bash_profile.

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